Earth Science Week Information

Earth Science Week celebrates the value of Earth science in society and is an opportunity for K–12 educators to engage with the public and their students about today's topics in Earth science. The theme of this year's Earth Science Week is "Earth as Inspiration," which will emphasize the important role of artistic expression in understanding geoscience. Collaborating with other institutions, AGI has compiled information on events in your area, contests, and educational tool kits. Each day of Earth Science Week has a designated focus, which are described in detail below.
Wednesday, 17 October, is National Fossil Day: Tomorrow, scientists, educators, and students come together to highlight the contributions of paleontologists and understand the value of preserving fossils for future generations. Organizations across the country will be holding events. For a list of events happening in your area, click here.
Thursday, 18 October, is Geoscience for Everyone Day: As part of Earth Science Week, join us in encouraging women, minorities, and people with a range of abilities to participate in Earth science. Looking for ways that you can help engage your community in geosciences? Check out these resources.
Friday, 19 October, is Geologic Map Day: The U.S. Geological Survey, Association of American State Geologists, National Park Service, Geological Society of America, Esri, and AGI have partnered to promote awareness of geologic mapping and its importance to society. To celebrate in your classroom, check out the variety of activities.

Publish Date: 
Tuesday, October 16, 2018 - 12:30pm