High school and middle school science teachers who are interested in sustainability and want to be on the leading edge of developing and adopting instructional materials that support implementation of sustainability concepts and the NGSS are invited to submit an application to attend a workshop entitled Connecting Earth Science and Sustainability to Teach the NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards). The workshop will take place at IslandWood , a beautiful environmental learning center located in Bainbridge Island, WA. There is no fee to attend, and lodging, meals and supplies are provided. Participants will also receive a $500 stipend. The workshop will be led by teacher educators and curriculum developers Kathyrn Baldwin (Eastern Washington University) and Anne Egger (Central Washington University).
Applications for the workshop are due Friday, June 8 .
As part of this workshop, participants will:
Discuss the role of sustainability in the NGSS and in their science teaching
Learn about the InTeGrate instructional resources and their alignment with the NGSS
Develop scaffolds and supporting resources to support implementation of the InTeGrate materials in the middle and high school science classroom
Develop action plans for their own classroom, school, and/or district to implement three-dimensional learning opportunities that address sustainability
To learn more about the format, expectations, application process , and selection criteria of this workshop, please visit this webpage .