Applications Open for the 2018–19 Next Generation STEM Teaching Project
Applications are now being accepted for the 2018–19 Next Generation STEM Teaching Project (NGSTP), a program sponsored by the U.S. Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP). K-12 teachers, who are interested in enriching their professional learning experiences and receiving funding for a classroom project, are encouraged to apply. Applications are due June 1. For more information about the program or to apply, click here.
Deadline: June 18–19
GreenSTEM: Inspiring and Empowering Learners to Change the World
In this workshop taking place in Denver, Colorado, K–12 teachers will explore the GreenSTEM learning approach while personalizing lessons/projects in which students apply STEM content and skills to investigate local problems, and design and carry out solutions.
Deadline: July 15–20
Audubon Hog Island's Sharing Nature: An Educator's Week
Teachers of science and other subjects in all grade levels: Come to Muscongus Bay, Maine, to learn practical approaches and add inspiration to your environmental education curriculum. Continuing Education Units are available from the University of Southern Maine.