May 17, 2018
1:00 PM Pacific | 2:00 PM Mountain | 3:00 PM Central | 4:00 PM Eastern
Registration(link is external) Deadline: May 15, 2018
Webinar Description
With NGSS requiring Earth & Space Science in high school, some schools are choosing to integrate the NGSS Performance Expectations and DCIs into their existing biology, chemistry, and physics courses. It turns out there are lots of connections to be made between Earth science and chemistry - after all, chemistry is the study of matter, and all of the matter we use comes from the Earth systems. So this begins with the recognition that the Earth is a big sphere of chemicals - how did those elements and compounds form and how did they come together to make the Earth? Then we find that silicate minerals & the rocks made of them constitute 90% of the crust of the Earth, and so are very relevant to the study of chemistry, even though they are currently omitted from introductory chemistry courses.. When we include plate tectonics and weathering in chemistry, we see that the Earth is an active chemical refinery - even making life-and-death differences since chemical composition variations in magma largely determine whether a volcano is explosive or not! This webinar will work on connecting these Earth science facts and processes to topics already in high school chemistry courses, thus opening up literally a whole world of interesting chemistry while also meeting NGSS requirements.
It is worthwhile to note that NGSS asks for both new content and new approaches to teaching and learning. This will result in curricula that contain material that has not been in Earth science courses, nor in physics, chemistry, or biology courses in the past. This necessitates new outlooks for all science educators, making lots of new connections. It will require knowledgeable people from all science disciplines working together to creatively build the Next Generation of science courses that now will include the Earth and Space Sciences.
Presenter: Martin Schmidt, McDonogh School, MD
Webinar Organizers:
Aida Awad (Broward College, Fort Lauderdale, FL)
Edward Robeck (American Geosciences Institute)
Carla McAuliffe (NESTA)
John McDaris (National Association of Geoscience Teachers)
With the NGSS Earth and Space Science Working Group